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my home sweet home

My home that was
stolen from me

Violence against women, Australia says "YES"
I am a victim of financial abuse
I am a victim of legal and civil abuse
I am a victim of gender abuse
I am a victim of a physical assault by the "Stranger"
who stole my home and monies

I was Set Up Big Time

I was set up by my ex-husband, Christopher George SHEA, and his personal friend Peter John DEANS to have my marital home and marital monies stolen from me.  See above photograph of my former home at No.26. I did not know Peter DEANS. Peter DEANS did not have a full-time job.

On 23 October 1997, Chris SHEA and I gave instructions to a conveyance solicitor, M/s Giselle Monika WAGNER to purchase my new home, No.26, in joint tenancy. 

Little did I know that Chris SHEA had already made arrangements to purchase the house next door (No.24) before he took me to have a look at No.26. 

Giselle Monika WAGNER pulled the wool over my eyes.  Instead of drawing up the contract in joint tenancy as I had instructed her, without my knowledge and consent, she drew up a contract over No.26 in Chris SHEA’s name alone.  I moved in with my family thinking that I was the owner of my home in joint tenancy.

Without my knowledge and consent, Giselle Monika WAGNER then drew up a second contract over my home. 

Giselle Monika WAGNER rescinded the first contract in Chris SHEA’s name.  Giselle Monika WAGNER then let Peter John DEANS use MY marital home and MY marital monies to purchase No.26 (my home) and the house next door (No.24) under company title for his benefit.  In layman’s terms this is called theft.

End November or early December 1997, Chris SHEA came home early and said he was seeing Giselle WAGNER.  I smelt a rat. 

I went along and found out that Peter DEANS had used my marital monies to purchase No.24 and my precious home at No.26 in HIS name under company title. 

I hit the roof and took the matter to court.

I never got my home back. I never got my monies back. I was called abusive names and threatened. I was bankrupted and evicted out of my home.

The Contract

After I kicked up a stink about the theft of my marital home and marital monies, in July 1998, Peter DEANS wrote out a contract and said that he had “borrowed” the monies.  He said that he would pay the monies back plus interest when he sold his former home.  Peter DEANS never paid any monies back at all! 

See the contract in Justice George Palmer’s Judgment paragraph 38. Click here to view the judgment.  I gave a copy of the contract to the Court as evidence that Peter DEANS said he would pay the monies “borrowed” plus interest.  This contract is a legally binding document.

The Court

The three most important elements of law had transpired at the court hearing:

  • Giselle Monika WAGNER had admitted negligence.  She admitted in Court that she NOT did tell me that Peter DEANS was involved  and that he was using my monies to purchase my home No.26 and No.24 (the house next door) in his name under company titles during the conveyance

  • The legally binding contract named “STATEMENT and ACCOUNT between CHRISTOPHER GEORGE SHEA and PETER JOHN DEANS” was produced to the Court.  Peter DEANS wrote in the contract that he had “borrowed” the monies and that he would pay the money back plus interest

  • Chris SHEA said that he had transferred to Peter DEANS the money, i.e. Chris SHEA’s and my jointly owned marital property

Justice George Palmer dismissed all my witnesses before they were heard. These expert witnesses were to tell the Court that the properties could not be developed as Peter DEANS had claimed. Peter Deans admitted in Court that there were no devlopment plans drawn up. A former St George Bank Limited officer was to tell the court how his former employer was involved in transferring my assets under company title to Peter John Deans.

Case Dismissed!

Justice George PALMER dismissed my case for the return of my marital home and marital monies.  Justice George Palmer awarded costs against me.  Justice George PALMER said that Peter DEANS could take possession of my home (i.e. throw me out into the street). 

Justice George PALMER stated many misrepresentations in his judgment as to the factual evidence of the case (i.e. he told lots of fibs). 

Later on Justice George PALMER issued orders.  I was to pay Peter DEANS’ personal bills.  I was to pay Peter DEANS’ mortgage, land tax, council and water rates for almost ten years duration.  I never signed any mortgage documents! 

On top of that I was to pay Peter DEANS lots of rent (almost ten years rent) for living in the home that was bought with MY money.   

Oh, this was just so awful! 

Statute law was not followed. The judge did not obey the law!


While the court process was still on in my matter, Giselle Monika WAGNER and her solicitor colleague, Adrian HOLMES, bankrupted me. 

Adrian HOLMES joined himself to the court proceedings just prior to the hearing date. I had never met him. I am alleging that he joined himself to the proceedings in order to get a costs order against me.

Giselle Monika WAGNER wanted her legal cost bill paid pronto!  She had put my assets beyond my reach.

Giselle Monika WAGNER gave my monies and the ownership of my home to Peter DEANS so as I could not pay anything! 

What a clever plan!

The solicitor for Giselle Monika WAGNER and Adrian HOLMES is Tania Maree NOONAN.

Tania Maree NOONAN works for MALLESONS STEPHEN JAQUES.  They are good persecutors against little old ladies!


Enter Sally NASH

After I was bankrupted, Sally NASH, solicitor, and Stephen GOLLEDGE, Counsel, for the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy, then entered into negotiated contract arrangements with Peter DEANS saying that I would pay all his personal bills, i.e. his mortgage, his land tax, his council and water rates plus heaps of rent, and that Peter DEANS could evict me from my home that was bought with my monies. 

After the negotiations had been completed for me to pay Peter DEANS' personal bills for almost 10 years and heaps of rent for 10 yeans, Sally NASH and Stephen GOLLEDGE trotted off to Supreme Court and signed Consent Orders saying that I would pay Peter DEANS all this money and that Peter DEANS could evict from my precious palace, my home, at No.26.

When I protested in Court I was told to sit down and shut up and that I was a bankrupt and had no legal rights to anything.

Oh!  All of this was just so awful and sad!

High Court Judge has known the “Deans family for 40 years”

Justice KIRBY had said that he had known the “Deans family for 40 years” – click here and see the transcript of the hearing.

Justice KIRBY disqualified himself at the hearing. 

Too right Justice KIRBY should have! 

As soon as Justice KIRBY said that he knew Peter DEANS' sister, Vanessa MACK , I knew that he was the judge that Chris SHEA had met at Vanessa MACK's place.  This happened just prior to the time that we left our old home at Mona Vale, just before that Peter DEANS entered my life and made a misery of it. 

Oh by the way, at a hearing held before Justice KIRBY some four years before, he never disclosd to the Court that he knew Peter DEANS, even though I had pointed out Peter DEANS to him.   Click here and see the transcript of this hearing.

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